Employment and Training
The Employment Services Program at ESCT helps adults with disabilities to find and keep jobs. All services are provided free of charge. The specialized programs that make up Employment Services address the individual support needs of our clients, and make a significant contribution to their long-term success both at work and at home. This one-on-one support truly results in enhanced self confidence and independence.
Supported Employment and Transitions Programs
We provide assistance to adults with disabilities who want to work. Whether it is a person's first job, a job change, or a need for assistance to keep a job, individualized support is available. We work closely with the Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) to help individuals identify their employment goals, and develop plans to achieve them.
Mental Health Counseling
Counseling is available to participants in the Paid Job Training Program. This valuable service is designed to offer counseling at the work site, in an effort to help individuals resolve problems that might become barriers to maintaining employment and independence.